Do Cloudy Countries Produce More Heavy Metal Music?

Practice With Web Scraping and Data Manipulation Using Python, Pandas and BeautifulSoup “Your curiosity is your growth point. Always.” — Danielle LaPorte It’s been raining quite a bit in Atlanta these past few weeks and I’ve noticed that as the skies become more overcast, my playlist veers heavier and heavier. Which led me to wonder –Continue reading “Do Cloudy Countries Produce More Heavy Metal Music?”

Breaking Down a Python Coding Challenge

Everything we do is practice for something greater than where we currently are.  Practice only makes for improvement.  – Les Brown One of the more important skills with coding is understanding how to break down a problem into smaller chunks. Especially when you’re first beginning, it’s easy to immediately start typing lines of code beforeContinue reading “Breaking Down a Python Coding Challenge”

Combating Imposter Syndrome

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. Hanoch McCarty On day 4 of data science bootcamp, I had a bit of a panic attack when I woke up with the overwhelming feeling of not feeling prepared for the job interview process. On day 4. Even while feelingContinue reading “Combating Imposter Syndrome”

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