What a Difference a Year Can Make

“If you want to experience significant progress toward your goal, you need to be intentional about the work you’re doing every day.” Anonymous I keep a daily 5-year spiral journal, where each day I am able to see my entries on that same day for the past few years. After a frustrating afternoon a few weeksContinue reading “What a Difference a Year Can Make”

Why I Decided to Learn Data Science

“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” – Carly Fiorina I didn’t find data science. Data science found me. After 18 years of teaching math, I knew that I needed a change. I was restless and unchallenged even while I was winning awards and creating programs. Looking for my next move, I kept browsing job descriptionsContinue reading “Why I Decided to Learn Data Science”

10 Things I Will Miss About Teaching (and 10 Things I Won’t)

“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Dr. Seuss What I Will Miss 1 – Watching a student find their passion and begin to believe in themselves. 2 – The excitement that happens when a student perseveres and then finally “gets it.” 3 – Those momentsContinue reading “10 Things I Will Miss About Teaching (and 10 Things I Won’t)”

You Can’t Have Growth Without Loss

“You can’t have growth without change and you can’t have change without loss.” Rick Warren I’m grieving. Even though there is no death, even though it is a loss of my own creation, there really is no other word for it. I’m grieving for the end of my 20-year career identity as a teacher. LastContinue reading “You Can’t Have Growth Without Loss”

What NOT to Say to a Teacher Leaving the Profession (and What to Say Instead)

The influence of a good teacher can never be erased. I know they mean well, but when you’re in that fragile stage of your transition out of teaching where your self-preservation is trying to stifle your guilt and your courage is frequently submitting to your doubts, the words you hear matter. If you’re wanting toContinue reading “What NOT to Say to a Teacher Leaving the Profession (and What to Say Instead)”

Dealing With Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not a sign you’re doing something wrong; it’s a sign you’re doing something different. I spent some time this morning journaling about self-doubt. And since this is a common reaction during periods of change, I decided to share my thoughts with you – Self-doubt is a normal, natural and expected part of any transition.Continue reading “Dealing With Self-Doubt”

Combating Teacher Guilt

Teachers aren’t in it for the income; they’re in it for the outcome. A teacher is like a candle. It consumes itself to light others. With quotes like that, it’s no wonder that many teachers (myself included) feel immense guilt at leaving the classroom. We KNOW it’s an important job. We KNOW we’re making aContinue reading “Combating Teacher Guilt”

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