What a Difference a Year Can Make

“If you want to experience significant progress toward your goal, you need to be intentional about the work you’re doing every day.” Anonymous I keep a daily 5-year spiral journal, where each day I am able to see my entries on that same day for the past few years. After a frustrating afternoon a few weeksContinue reading “What a Difference a Year Can Make”

Combating Imposter Syndrome

It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. Hanoch McCarty On day 4 of data science bootcamp, I had a bit of a panic attack when I woke up with the overwhelming feeling of not feeling prepared for the job interview process. On day 4. Even while feelingContinue reading “Combating Imposter Syndrome”

Reflections From the First Day of Data Science Bootcamp

My brain is experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by. After two years of making preparations, today is (finally!) my official first day of data science bootcamp. And for those of you considering doing something similar or those of you thinking that I’m bonkers for leaving a known thing, I know what you’re thinking: So, howContinue reading “Reflections From the First Day of Data Science Bootcamp”

12 Strategies I Used to Prepare for Data Science Bootcamp

1 – Ask Questions From “Is data science a good fit for me?” to “Why is this parameter being used in this machine learning algorithm?,” my entire process has been driven by questions. Not only does this approach help to maximize learning, it’s also good training for working with data, where reaching conclusions too quicklyContinue reading “12 Strategies I Used to Prepare for Data Science Bootcamp”

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