Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Using A/B Testing to Assess Proposed Change

“If you never try, you’ll never know.” The Situation The developer of a phone-based game is concerned about the retention rate of customers who download the game after they saw this graphic in a company presentation. The developer was especially concerned about the customers that churned after the first day. This indicated that they wereContinue reading “Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Using A/B Testing to Assess Proposed Change”

A Love Letter to Functions

“Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.”  – Chris Pine It wasn’t love at first sight. When I was first introduced to functions, they seemed perfectly fine, but a little bland. Sort of like that person that your grandmother would be happy for you to bring home – steady, predictableContinue reading “A Love Letter to Functions”

Leap of Faith

Letting go is scary. We grasp onto what we know. Some of the best places can only be reached by taking a leap of faith. It’s actually happening. After 20 years in the classroom and just over one year since I coded my first, “Hello World,” I’ve taken the first concrete steps towards a newContinue reading “Leap of Faith”

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